Counseling Services

Counseling Services

Radiance Counseling Center (RCC) is a clinical program that provides therapy for individuals, families, couples and groups, clinical assessments and virtual therapy. Our counseling services are non-exclusionary, which are designed for children, youths and adults. RCC is staffed by experienced professionals with a wide range of clinical backgrounds. RCC is an interdisciplinary counseling center, staffed by mental health providers, including licensed social workers, counselors and psychologist. The team services the community and clients with various levels of needs. The team works with clients to build on their individual and collective strengths using various evidence-based models, including but not limited to strength based model. These models are selected to assist clients with all aspect of their lives. Each client becomes a part of this team with a dedicated clinical staff assigned to each client.


Contact Counseling Services: 860-904-9015

Payment Methods:
-Credit Card, Checks, and Cash.
-Medicaid (Husky A, B, C & D)
-Private Insurances: In and Out of Network


Our Expertise

Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable environment to build relationships, enhance individual growth, creating change—setting personal goals or making individual or system-wide changes. The therapists apply principles of human development, psychology, mental health and/or change theories. These therapists are skilled in clinical assessment, diagnosing and treatment of disorders, application of cognitive, behavioral and systemic strategies to facilitate change, they are culturally competent, and provides trauma-informed care treatment.
Our team of professional therapists is respectful and responsive to individuals. They offer a safe place to share experiences and explore ways to cope. Therapists are skilled in implementing therapeutic interventions designed to help clients challenged by a range of circumstances they encountered, including but not limited to trauma, depression, PTSD, anxiety, stress, unanticipated life events, significant life changing events, interpersonal discord, social injustice, worksite disruption and career issues.

Individual Therapy

Individual psychotherapy, talk therapy, or counseling is a collaborative process between therapist and client that aims to facilitate change and improve quality of life. This is a One on One session between therapist and individuals to address their challenges. Individuals will meet with a clinician to create strategy and provide support and coping mechanisms for what is needed. (i.e. all types of trauma, mental health, substance abuse, etc.). Individual counseling provide an opportunity for individuals to talk confidentially with a therapist about their personal concerns and to facilitate personal growth. The therapist and individual will incorporate a team approach and work together to define and discuss personal and/or other issues. The team will lend the relationship the ability to reach mutually agreed upon goals.

Types of Individual Therapy:

  • A Specific Problem: Some individuals come to the center with a specific goal.
  • Self-Exploration:  We believe in the value of self-examination for those who are interested in this process.
  • Life Transitions:  In our years of practice, we have found that periods of transition in one’s life can be exciting and challenging but also highly stressful.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves all members of a nuclear family or stepfamily and, in some cases, members of the extended family (e.g., grandparents, etc.). A therapist or team of therapists conducts multiple sessions to help families deal with important issues that may interfere with the functioning of the family and the home environment.

Family therapy is based on family systems theory, in which the family is viewed as a living organism rather than just the sum of its individual members. Family therapy uses systems theory to evaluate family members in terms of their position or role within the system as a whole. Mediation and conciliatory interventions are used to help family members get on a collaborative team. The goal is to work out win/win compromises, and get the whole family system back on the road to productive and enjoyable family life again.

Clinical Assessments

This is a diagnostic document where a clinician assesses the mental health status of a patient before deciding treatment. Assessments are sometimes needed for self-evaluation, mandated agencies, court, or insurance purposes. This service conducts an in-depth assessment of individual mental health status. The complete assessment process includes an initial in-person consultation as well as a written report including clinical diagnosis and recommendations.

Types of Assessments:

  • Children and Adults
  • Court ordered
  • Referred by state protective service agency
  • Self-Referral
  • FamilyReferral

Counseling Center Highlights

  • Individual, Families, Couples, Group sessions.
  • Virtual therapeutic sessions through social media, skyping, video conferencing, chatting, etc.
  • Clinical Assessments.
  • Culturally competent, multi-lingual staff
  • Services offered on site with client-convenient hours
  • Collaborative development of a treatment plan with objectives and timelines
  • Programs designed for all types of clients, self-referrals, court systems referrals, school systems, community agencies, governmental agencies, etc.

Group Therapy

There are various types of groups, such as processed, focus/peer support, psychoeducation and psychotherapy (See below for more details). Groups are consisted of four or more members that have similar challenges or situations (i.e. drugs, parenting, DV, trauma, gender issues, etc.).  The group members will meet with clinician/s in a structured environment to engage in a safe and comfortable setting. Typically, the groups are on-going. However there are closed groups as well. Some of the group members that attend groups may also be seen at RCC on an individual basis.  A characteristic unique to support groups is the mutual support members that are able to provide one another. This support and validation from other group members help to facilitate personal growth and changes in a way that individual therapy cannot. Although experts and professionals can provide support and positive direction, the mutual exchange of information between group members is a powerful experience that often induces lasting change.

Processed Groups:

  • Men’s Group
  • Inner Child Work
  • Substance Use: Detox/Recovery
  • Trauma
  • Gay and Lesbian Issues/ Sexuality/Sexual Identity
  • Occupational Issues


  • Trauma
  • Self-Awareness
  • Understanding Self & Others
  • Anxiety and Panic Disorders
  • Depression
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • Eating Disorders


Psychoeducation group is focused on providing you with information about specific topics in order to give you additional resources or information. These groups are more structured; participants are provided with specific topics or modules to discuss and explore. The intention is to enhance your knowledge about the topic, which is often identified in the name of the group. A psycho-educational group is a specific type of group therapy that focuses on educating clients about their disorders and ways of coping. Many psycho-educational groups consist of members that all share some of the same diagnosis. In this case, the education tends to focus on coping with specific or similar disorders. In other groups, members may have very different diagnoses, and the educational focus is on practical life skills such as living within a community. There are specific formats for certain types of psycho-educational groups, but many follow a more free-form, eclectic approach.


Support groups provide an informal resource that attempts to provide healing components to a variety of problems and challenges. This is an informal support outside of family, friends, or professionals often provides greater understanding, more similarity (from individuals experiencing similar life events), an opportunity for empathy and altruism, and a sense of identity for participants. Learning new ways to handle challenges, cope with changes, and maintaining  new behaviors are all important aspects of the support group experience.

Couples Therapy

Marriage counselors on our staff have special training in couples counseling and are clinical members and supervisors in The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT). They are also caring individuals with close relationships of their own, and they know how to help. Marriage counseling, also called “couples therapy”, is also a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding your relationship or going your separate ways.

Virtual Therapy

This platform provides non-traditional therapeutic services that are flexible and accommodating for all types of lifestyles. Virtual-Therapy is Solution Focused. The therapists understand that we may only get a few opportunities to help you. We understand your time is valuable. Some members of our clinical team has over 20 years of experienced therapist that is equipped to assess any situations. Virtual therapy provides convenience and Easy Online Access so you get help when you need it most. Virtual therapy provides a private, confidential way for you to discuss your problems with a professional therapist. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or depressed, this type of therapy is as close by your computer, phone or similar platforms. You could connect with our counselors via private virtual chat, skyping, iMessaging, e-mail or telephone.

Here are a few simple questions that could help you determine if this is the type of service you are looking for.

  • You are tired of suffering
  • You cannot manage your life
  • You just want to talk to someone
  • You don’t have time to go to a therapist office
  • You are in a period of your life that you cannot cope with the life stressors
  • You do not want to socialize with anyone
  • You are alone and/or no one understands you.
  • You do not want  a face to face meeting with a therapist
  • You cannot afford to spend valuable time and money sitting on a therapist’s couch

Types of Virtual Therapy:

  • Phone Conference
  • Emailing
  • Virtual Chatting
  • Skyping
  • Video Conferencing
  • iMessaging

For more information on Preparation for Virtual Therapy..

Educational Resources

Community Members,

As part of our commitment to serving the community, we are providing the following educational resources. Please share this information to aid in the prevention of alcohol and substance abuse: